Research Scientist Computational Hydraulics Group
Craig Michoski is currently a Research Scientist at the University of Texas at Austin in the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences. He received his B.A. (1999) from the University of Colorado Boulder in chemistry, and his Ph.D. (2009) from the University of Texas at Austin in chemistry and applied mathematics. His research spans computational engineering, applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, machine learning, and data analytics.
Some applications problems of particular interest include: computational fluid dynamics, turbulence, nonlinear plasma physics, kinetic theory, MHD, electromagnetics, structure-fluid interaction, plasma-material interaction, multiphase geophysical flows, storm surge, nuclear fusion, tokamaks, stellarators, etc. His technical research interests include design, implementation, and analysis of large-scale computational methodologies for science and engineering applications, multi-fidelity modeling, advanced predictive control, calibration, design, guidance, feature engineering, system identification, enhancement, machine learning, artificial intelligence, high order numerical methods, structure preservation, geometric methods, uncertainty quantification, model adequacy, optimization, adaptability, control, sensitivity, scalability, etc.
Active Projects: Partnership for Multiscale Gyrokinetic (MGK) Turbulence; GENE code work in support of the Whole Device Model; Partnership Center for High-Fidelity Boundary Plasma Simulation; Establishment of an Institute for Fusion Studies (IFS); SI2-SSI: Collaborative Research: STORM: a Scalable Toolkit for an Open community supporting nearRealtime, high resolution coastal Modeling